Expediting quantum state transfer through long-range extended XY model

The schematic displays the quantum state transfer from Alice to Bob via a quantum spin chain under a k-body interacting Hamiltonian.


Going beyond short-range interactions, we explore the role of long-range interactions in the extended XY model for transferring quantum states through evolution. In particular, employing a spin-1/2 chain with interactions decaying as a power law, we demonstrate that long-range interactions significantly enhance the efficiency of a quantum state transfer (QST) protocol, reducing the minimum time required to achieve fidelity beyond the classical limit. Our study identifies the long-range regime as providing an optimal balance between interaction range and transfer efficiency, outperforming the protocol with the short-range interacting model. Our detailed analysis reveals the impact of system parameters, such as anisotropy, magnetic field strength, and coordination number, on QST dynamics. Specifically, we find that intermediate coordination numbers lead to a faster and more reliable state transfer, while extreme values diminish performance. Further, we exhibit that the presence of long-range interactions also improves the achievable fidelity, mitigating its decline associated with increasing system-size.

arXiv:2501.16196 [quant-ph]
