
This is a list of all preprints. For other publication types, see all publications.


Expediting quantum state transfer through long-range extended XY model

Going beyond short-range interactions, we explore the role of long-range interactions in the extended XY model for transferring quantum …

Constructive impact of Wannier-Stark field on environment-boosted quantum batteries

Using the ground states of the Bose- and Fermi-Hubbard model as the battery’s initial state, we demonstrate that using the …


The Moments of the Spectral Form Factor in SYK

In chaotic quantum systems the spectral form factor exhibits a universal linear ramp and plateau structure with superimposed erratic …

Disorder-averaged Qudit Dynamics

Understanding how physical systems are influenced by disorder is a fundamental challenge in quantum science. Addressing its effects …

Many-body spectral transitions through the lens of variable-range SYK2 model

The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model is a cornerstone in the study of quantum chaos and holographic quantum matter. Real-world …

Symmetry verification for noisy quantum simulations of non-Abelian lattice gauge theories

Non-Abelian gauge theories underlie our understanding of fundamental forces of modern physics. Simulating them on quantum hardware is …

Boosting quantum annealing performance through direct polynomial unconstrained binary optimization

Quantum annealing aims at solving optimization problems of practical relevance using quantum computing hardware. Problems of interest …

Floquet driven long-range interactions induce super-extensive scaling in quantum battery

Achieving quantum advantage in energy storage and power extraction is a primary objective in the design of quantum-based batteries. We …

Quantum simulation of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model using time-dependent disorder in optical cavities

The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model is a paradigm for extreme quantum chaos, non-Fermi-liquid behavior, and holographic matter. Yet, the …

The role of higher-order terms in trapped-ion quantum computing with magnetic gradient induced coupling

Trapped-ion hardware based on the Magnetic Gradient Induced Coupling (MAGIC) scheme is emerging as a promising platform for quantum …

A Monte Carlo Tree Search approach to QAOA: finding a needle in the haystack

The search for quantum algorithms to tackle classical combinatorial optimization problems has long been one of the most attractive yet …

Commensurate supersolids and re-entrant transitions in an extended Bose-Hubbard ladder

We investigate the ground state phases of an extended Bose-Hubbard ladder of unit filling via the density-matrix-renormalization-group …

Superfluidity and sound propagation in disordered Bose gases

Superfluidity describes the ability of quantum matter to flow without friction. Due to its fundamental role in many transport …

Qudit-native measurement protocol for dynamical correlations using Hadamard tests

Dynamical correlations reveal important out-of-equilibrium properties of the underlying quantum many-body system, yet they are …

Quantifying non-Hermiticity using single- and many-particle quantum properties

The non-Hermitian paradigm of quantum systems displays salient features drastically different from Hermitian counterparts. In this …

Symmetry-protection Zeno phase transition in monitored lattice gauge theories

Quantum measurements profoundly influence system dynamics. They lead to complex nonequilibrium phenomena like the quantum Zeno effect, …

Miscibility-immiscibility transition of strongly interacting bosonic mixtures in optical lattices

Interaction plays key role in the mixing properties of a multi-component system. The miscibility-immiscibility transition (MIT) in a …


Unveiling Eigenstate Thermalization for Non-Hermitian systems

The Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH) has been highly influential in explaining thermodynamic behavior of closed quantum …

Observation of microscopic confinement dynamics by a tunable topological $\theta$-angle

The topological $\theta$-angle is central to the understanding of a plethora of phenomena in condensed matter and high-energy physics …

Spin-$S$ $U(1)$ Quantum Link Models with Dynamical Matter on a Quantum Simulator

Quantum link models (QLMs) offer the realistic prospect for the practical implementation of lattice quantum electrodynamics (QED) on …

A cavity quantum electrodynamics implementation of the Sachdev--Ye--Kitaev model

The search for a quantum theory of gravity has led to the discovery of quantum many-body systems that are dual to gravitational models …


Quantum Hall and Synthetic Magnetic-Field Effects in Ultra-Cold Atomic Systems

In this Chapter, we give a brief review of the state of the art of theoretical and experimental studies of synthetic magnetic fields …

Stabilizing Gauge Theories in Quantum Simulators: A Brief Review

Quantum simulation is at the heart of the ongoing ‘‘second’’ quantum revolution, with various synthetic quantum …

Sampling Rare Conformational Transitions with a Quantum Computer

Spontaneous structural rearrangements play a central role in the organization and function of complex biomolecular systems. In …


Stabilizing Disorder-Free Localization

Disorder-free localization is a paradigm of nonergodicity in translation-invariant quantum many-body systems hosting gauge symmetries. …

Suppressing nonperturbative gauge errors in the thermodynamic limit using local pseudogenerators

With recent progress in quantum simulations of lattice-gauge theories, it is becoming a pressing question how to reliably protect the …

Engineering a $\mathrm{U}(1)$ lattice gauge theory in classical electric circuits

Lattice gauge theories are fundamental to such distinct fields as particle physics, condensed matter, and quantum information science. …

Non-invasive measurement of currents in analog quantum simulators

Despite the pristine abilities of analog quantum simulators to study quantum dynamics, possibilities to detect currents are sparse. …

Quantum quench dynamics of dipolar bosons in 2D optical lattices

We investigate the quench dynamics of the dipolar bosons in two dimensional optical lattice of square geometry using the time dependent …

Generalized Discrete Truncated Wigner Approximation for Nonadiabtic Quantum-Classical Dynamics

Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics occur in a wide range of chemical reactions and femtochemistry experiments involving electronically …


Gauge-Symmetry Violation Quantum Phase Transition in Lattice Gauge Theories

Gauge symmetry plays a key role in our description of subatomic matter. The vanishing photon mass, the long-ranged Coulomb law, and …

Diffusive-to-ballistic crossover of symmetry violation in open many-body systems

Conservation laws in a quantum many-body system play a direct role in its dynamic behavior. Understanding the effect of weakly breaking …

Fate of Lattice Gauge Theories Under Decoherence

A major test of the capabilities of modern quantum simulators and NISQ devices is the reliable realization of gauge theories, which …

Origin of staircase prethermalization in lattice gauge theories

Quantum many-body systems with exact local gauge symmetries exhibit rich out-of-equilibrium physics such as constrained dynamics and …

Staircase prethermalization and constrained dynamics in lattice gauge theories

The dynamics of lattice gauge theories is characterized by an abundance of local symmetry constraints. Although errors that break gauge …