Floquet driven long-range interactions induce super-extensive scaling in quantum battery

As the system size increases, the stored power grows super-linearly—specifically, scaling as N^η, where η > 1. This scaling emerges through the interplay of Floquet driving and long-range interactions. The inset reveals how η increases as the charging Hamiltonian becomes more long-range.


Achieving quantum advantage in energy storage and power extraction is a primary objective in the design of quantum-based batteries. We explore how long-range (LR) interactions in conjunction with Floquet driving can improve the performance of quantum batteries, particularly when the battery is initialized in a fully polarized state. In particular, we exhibit that by optimizing the driving frequency, the maximum average power scales super extensively with system-size which is not achievable through next-nearest neighbor interactions or traditional unitary charging, thereby gaining genuine quantum advantage. We illustrate that the inclusion of either two-body or many-body interaction terms in the LR charging Hamiltonian leads to a scaling benefit. Furthermore, we discover that a super-linear scaling in power results from increasing the strength of interaction compared to the transverse magnetic field and the range of interaction with low fall-off rate, highlighting the advantageous role of long-range interactions in optimizing quantum battery charging.

arXiv:2412.00921 [quant-ph]
