Measurement protocol

Superfluidity and sound propagation in disordered Bose gases

Superfluidity describes the ability of quantum matter to flow without friction. Due to its fundamental role in many transport phenomena, it is crucial to understand the robustness of superfluid properties to external perturbations. Here, we …

Qudit-native measurement protocol for dynamical correlations using Hadamard tests

Dynamical correlations reveal important out-of-equilibrium properties of the underlying quantum many-body system, yet they are notoriously difficult to measure in experiments. While measurement protocols for dynamical correlations based on Hadamard …

Non-invasive measurement of currents in analog quantum simulators

Despite the pristine abilities of analog quantum simulators to study quantum dynamics, possibilities to detect currents are sparse. Here, we propose a flexible non-invasive technique to measure currents in quantum many-body systems by weakly coupling …

From non-Hermitian linear response to dynamical correlations and fluctuation–dissipation relations in quantum many-body systems

Quantum many-body systems are characterized by their correlations. While equal-time correlators and unequal-time commutators between operators are standard observables, the direct access to unequal-time *anti-commutators* poses a formidable …

Exciting the Goldstone Modes of a Supersolid Spin–Orbit-Coupled Bose Gas

Supersolidity is deeply connected with the emergence of Goldstone modes, reflecting the spontaneous breaking of both phase and translational symmetry. Here, we propose accessible signatures of these modes in harmonically trapped spin–orbit-coupled …

From entanglement certification with quench dynamics to multipartite entanglement of interacting fermions

Multipartite entanglement, such as witnessed through the quantum Fisher information (QFI), is a crucial resource for quantum technologies, but its experimental certification is highly challenging. Here, we propose an experimentally friendly protocol …

Relating Out-of-Time-Order Correlations to Entanglement via Multiple-Quantum Coherences

Out-of-time-order correlations (OTOCs) characterize the scrambling, or delocalization, of quantum information over all the degrees of freedom of a system and thus have been proposed as a proxy for chaos in quantum systems. Recent experimental …

Measuring multipartite entanglement through dynamic susceptibilities

Entanglement is considered an essential resource in quantum technologies, and central to the understanding of quantum many-body physics. Developing protocols to detect and quantify the entanglement of many-particle quantum states is thus a key …

Probing entanglement in adiabatic quantum optimization with trapped ions

Adiabatic quantum optimization has been proposed as a route to solve NP-complete problems, with a possible quantum speedup compared to classical algorithms. However, the precise role of quantum effects, such as entanglement, in these optimization …