Quantum annealing

Sampling Rare Conformational Transitions with a Quantum Computer

Spontaneous structural rearrangements play a central role in the organization and function of complex biomolecular systems. In principle, physics-based computer simulations like Molecular Dynamics (MD) enable us to investigate these thermally …

Polymer Physics by Quantum Computing

Sampling equilibrium ensembles of dense polymer mixtures is a paradigmatically hard problem in computational physics, even in lattice-based models. Here, we develop a formalism based on interacting binary tensors that allows for tackling this problem …

Dominant Reaction Pathways by Quantum Computing

Characterizing thermally activated transitions in high-dimensional rugged energy surfaces is a very challenging task for classical computers. Here, we develop a quantum annealing scheme to solve this problem. First, the task of finding the most …

Perspectives of quantum annealing: Methods and implementations

Quantum annealing is a computing paradigm that has the ambitious goal of efficiently solving large-scale combinatorial optimization problems of practical importance. However, many challenges have yet to be overcome before this goal can be reached. …

A quantum annealing architecture with all-to-all connectivity from local interactions

Quantum annealers are physical devices that aim at solving NP-complete optimization problems by exploiting quantum mechanics. The basic principle of quantum annealing is to encode the optimization problem in Ising interactions between quantum bits …