The role of higher-order terms in trapped-ion quantum computing with magnetic gradient induced coupling


Trapped-ion hardware based on the Magnetic Gradient Induced Coupling (MAGIC) scheme is emerging as a promising platform for quantum computing. Nevertheless, in this (as in any other) quantum-computing platform, many technical questions still have to be resolved before large-scale and error-tolerant applications are possible. In this work, we present a thorough discussion of the contribution of higher-order terms to the MAGIC setup, which can occur due to anharmonicities in the external potential of the ion crystal (e.g., through Coulomb repulsion) or through curvature of the applied magnetic field. These terms take the form of three-spin couplings as well as diverse terms that couple spins to phonons. We find that most of these are negligible in realistic situations, with only two contributions that need careful attention. First, there are parasitic longitudinal fields whose strength increases with chain length, but which can easily be compensated by a microwave detuning. Second, anharmonicities of the Coulomb interaction can lead to well-known two-to-one conversions of phonon excitations, which can be avoided if the phonons are ground-state cooled. Our detailed analysis constitutes an important contribution on the way of making magnetic-gradient trapped-ion quantum technology fit for large-scale applications, and it may inspire new ways to purposefully design interaction terms.

Sebastian Nagies
PhD Student
Kevin T. Geier
PhD Student (2018 – 2022)
Postdoc (2022 – 2024)
=> Senior Researcher at Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi
© Alessio Coser