Quantum computation

Qudit-native measurement protocol for dynamical correlations using Hadamard tests

Dynamical correlations reveal important out-of-equilibrium properties of the underlying quantum many-body system, yet they are notoriously difficult to measure in experiments. While measurement protocols for dynamical correlations based on Hadamard …

Quantum Computation of Thermal Averages for a Non-Abelian D4 Lattice Gauge Theory via Quantum Metropolis Sampling

In this paper, we show the application of the Quantum Metropolis Sampling (QMS) algorithm to a toy gauge theory with discrete non-Abelian gauge group $D_4$ in (2+1)-dimensions, discussing in general how some components of hybrid quantum-classical …

Formulation of the Electric Vehicle Charging and Routing Problem for a Hybrid Quantum-Classical Search Space Reduction Heuristic

Combinatorial optimization problems have attracted much interest in the quantum computing community in the recent years as a potential testbed to showcase quantum advantage. In this paper, we show how to exploit multilevel carriers of quantum …

Implementing a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ Lattice Gauge Theory in a Digital Quantum Simulator

Digital quantum simulators provide a table-top platform for addressing salient questions in particle, nuclear, and condensed-matter physics. A particularly rewarding target is given by lattice gauge theories (LGTs). Their constituents, e.g., charged …

Squeezing and quantum approximate optimization

Variational quantum algorithms offer fascinating prospects for the solution of combinatorial optimization problems using digital quantum computers. However, the achievable performance in such algorithms and the role of quantum correlations therein …

Quantum approximate optimization algorithm for qudit systems

A frequent starting point of quantum computation platforms is the two-state quantum system, i.e., the qubit. However, in the context of integer optimization problems, relevant to scheduling optimization and operations research, it is often more …

Probing confinement in a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ lattice gauge theory on a quantum computer

Digital quantum simulators provide a table-top platform for addressing salient questions in particle and condensed-matter physics. A particularly rewarding target is given by lattice gauge theories (LGTs). Their constituents, e.g., charged matter and …

Sampling Rare Conformational Transitions with a Quantum Computer

Spontaneous structural rearrangements play a central role in the organization and function of complex biomolecular systems. In principle, physics-based computer simulations like Molecular Dynamics (MD) enable us to investigate these thermally …

Mirradio - Le chicche di Mirradio: Puntata 1 | Quantum Computing

Di quantum computing si sente parlare da un po’ di tempo, ma non sempre viene presentato con chiarezza. Per raccontarlo come si deve, ci siamo affidati al Professor Philipp Hans Juergen Hauke, professore associato del Dipartimento di Fisica …

Polymer Physics by Quantum Computing

Sampling equilibrium ensembles of dense polymer mixtures is a paradigmatically hard problem in computational physics, even in lattice-based models. Here, we develop a formalism based on interacting binary tensors that allows for tackling this problem …