Quantum simulation

Quantum Hall and Synthetic Magnetic-Field Effects in Ultra-Cold Atomic Systems

In this Chapter, we give a brief review of the state of the art of theoretical and experimental studies of synthetic magnetic fields and quantum Hall effects in ultracold atomic gases. We focus on integer, spin, and fractional Hall effects, indicate …

Tuning the Topological $\theta$-Angle in Cold-Atom Quantum Simulators of Gauge Theories

The topological $\theta$-angle in gauge theories engenders a series of fundamental phenomena, including violations of charge-parity (CP) symmetry, dynamical topological transitions, and confinement--deconfinement transitions. At the same time, it …

Probing confinement in a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ lattice gauge theory on a quantum computer

Digital quantum simulators provide a table-top platform for addressing salient questions in particle and condensed-matter physics. A particularly rewarding target is given by lattice gauge theories (LGTs). Their constituents, e.g., charged matter and …

Achieving the quantum field theory limit in far-from-equilibrium quantum link models

Realizations of gauge theories in setups of quantum synthetic matter open up the possibility of probing salient exotic phenomena in condensed matter and high-energy physics, along with potential applications in quantum information and science …

Ground-state phase diagram of quantum link electrodynamics in $(2+1)$-d

The exploration of phase diagrams of strongly interacting gauge theories coupled to matter in lower dimensions promises the identification of exotic phases and possible new universality classes, and it facilitates a better understanding of salient …

Enhancing disorder-free localization through dynamically emergent local symmetries

Disorder-free localization is a recently discovered phenomenon of nonergodicity that can emerge in quantum many-body systems hosting gauge symmetries when the initial state is prepared in a superposition of gauge superselection sectors. …

Stabilizing Disorder-Free Localization

Disorder-free localization is a paradigm of nonergodicity in translation-invariant quantum many-body systems hosting gauge symmetries. The quench dynamics starting from simple initial states, which correspond to extensive superpositions of gauge …

Suppressing nonperturbative gauge errors in the thermodynamic limit using local pseudogenerators

With recent progress in quantum simulations of lattice-gauge theories, it is becoming a pressing question how to reliably protect the gauge symmetry that defines such models. In a recent work [J. C. Halimeh *et al.*, …

Universal dynamics of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model

The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model was introduced in the context of explaining the properties of “strange metals,” and has been found to manifest the characteristics of a quantum theory which is holographically dual to extremal charged black holes …

Stabilizing lattice gauge theories through simplified local pseudo generators

The postulate of gauge invariance in nature does not lend itself directly to implementations of lattice gauge theories in modern setups of quantum synthetic matter. Unavoidable gauge-breaking errors in such devices require gauge invariance to be …