
Qudit-native measurement protocol for dynamical correlations using Hadamard tests

Dynamical correlations reveal important out-of-equilibrium properties of the underlying quantum many-body system, yet they are notoriously difficult to measure in experiments. While measurement protocols for dynamical correlations based on Hadamard …

Enhancing disorder-free localization through dynamically emergent local symmetries

Disorder-free localization is a recently discovered phenomenon of nonergodicity that can emerge in quantum many-body systems hosting gauge symmetries when the initial state is prepared in a superposition of gauge superselection sectors. …

Stabilizing Disorder-Free Localization

Disorder-free localization is a paradigm of nonergodicity in translation-invariant quantum many-body systems hosting gauge symmetries. The quench dynamics starting from simple initial states, which correspond to extensive superpositions of gauge …

Thermalization dynamics of a gauge theory on a quantum simulator

Gauge theories form the foundation of modern physics, with applications ranging from elementary particle physics and early-universe cosmology to condensed matter systems. We perform quantum simulations of the unitary dynamics of a $U(1)$ symmetric …

From non-Hermitian linear response to dynamical correlations and fluctuation–dissipation relations in quantum many-body systems

Quantum many-body systems are characterized by their correlations. While equal-time correlators and unequal-time commutators between operators are standard observables, the direct access to unequal-time *anti-commutators* poses a formidable …

Analog cosmological reheating in an ultracold Bose gas

Cosmological reheating describes the transition of the post-inflationary universe to a hot and thermal state. In order to shed light on the underlying dynamics of this process, we propose to quantum-simulate the reheating-like dynamics of a generic …