Quantum computation

Quantum approximate optimization algorithm for qudit systems

A frequent starting point of quantum computation platforms is the two-state quantum system, i.e., the qubit. However, in the context of integer optimization problems, relevant to scheduling optimization and operations research, it is often more …

Probing confinement in a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ lattice gauge theory on a quantum computer

Digital quantum simulators provide a table-top platform for addressing salient questions in particle and condensed-matter physics. A particularly rewarding target is given by lattice gauge theories (LGTs). Their constituents, e.g., charged matter and …

Sampling Rare Conformational Transitions with a Quantum Computer

Spontaneous structural rearrangements play a central role in the organization and function of complex biomolecular systems. In principle, physics-based computer simulations like Molecular Dynamics (MD) enable us to investigate these thermally …

Mirradio - Le chicche di Mirradio: Puntata 1 | Quantum Computing

Di quantum computing si sente parlare da un po’ di tempo, ma non sempre viene presentato con chiarezza. Per raccontarlo come si deve, ci siamo affidati al Professor Philipp Hans Juergen Hauke, professore associato del Dipartimento di Fisica …

Polymer Physics by Quantum Computing

Sampling equilibrium ensembles of dense polymer mixtures is a paradigmatically hard problem in computational physics, even in lattice-based models. Here, we develop a formalism based on interacting binary tensors that allows for tackling this problem …

Dominant Reaction Pathways by Quantum Computing

Characterizing thermally activated transitions in high-dimensional rugged energy surfaces is a very challenging task for classical computers. Here, we develop a quantum annealing scheme to solve this problem. First, the task of finding the most …

Hybrid infinite time-evolving block decimation algorithm for long-range multi-dimensional quantum many-body systems

In recent years, the infinite time-evolution block decimation (iTEBD) method has been demonstrated to be one of the most efficient and powerful numerical schemes for time-evolution in one-dimensional quantum many-body systems. However, a major …

Perspectives of quantum annealing: Methods and implementations

Quantum annealing is a computing paradigm that has the ambitious goal of efficiently solving large-scale combinatorial optimization problems of practical importance. However, many challenges have yet to be overcome before this goal can be reached. …

Quantum localization bounds Trotter errors in digital quantum simulation

A fundamental challenge in digital quantum simulation (DQS) is the control of an inherent error, which appears when discretizing the time evolution of a quantum many-body system as a sequence of quantum gates, called Trotterization. Here, we show …

Real-time dynamics of lattice gauge theories with a few-qubit quantum computer

Gauge theories are fundamental to our understanding of interactions between the elementary constituents of matter as mediated by gauge bosons1,2. However, computing the real-time dynamics in gauge theories is a notorious challenge for classical …