Quantum computation

Dominant Reaction Pathways by Quantum Computing

Characterizing thermally activated transitions in high-dimensional rugged energy surfaces is a very challenging task for classical computers. Here, we develop a quantum annealing scheme to solve this problem. First, the task of finding the most …

Hybrid infinite time-evolving block decimation algorithm for long-range multi-dimensional quantum many-body systems

In recent years, the infinite time-evolution block decimation (iTEBD) method has been demonstrated to be one of the most efficient and powerful numerical schemes for time-evolution in one-dimensional quantum many-body systems. However, a major …

Perspectives of quantum annealing: Methods and implementations

Quantum annealing is a computing paradigm that has the ambitious goal of efficiently solving large-scale combinatorial optimization problems of practical importance. However, many challenges have yet to be overcome before this goal can be reached. …

Quantum localization bounds Trotter errors in digital quantum simulation

A fundamental challenge in digital quantum simulation (DQS) is the control of an inherent error, which appears when discretizing the time evolution of a quantum many-body system as a sequence of quantum gates, called Trotterization. Here, we show …

Real-time dynamics of lattice gauge theories with a few-qubit quantum computer

Gauge theories are fundamental to our understanding of interactions between the elementary constituents of matter as mediated by gauge bosons1,2. However, computing the real-time dynamics in gauge theories is a notorious challenge for classical …

A quantum annealing architecture with all-to-all connectivity from local interactions

Quantum annealers are physical devices that aim at solving NP-complete optimization problems by exploiting quantum mechanics. The basic principle of quantum annealing is to encode the optimization problem in Ising interactions between quantum bits …

Probing entanglement in adiabatic quantum optimization with trapped ions

Adiabatic quantum optimization has been proposed as a route to solve NP-complete problems, with a possible quantum speedup compared to classical algorithms. However, the precise role of quantum effects, such as entanglement, in these optimization …

Can one trust quantum simulators?

Various fundamental phenomena of strongly correlated quantum systems such as high-$T_c$ superconductivity, the fractional quantum-Hall effect and quark confinement are still awaiting a universally accepted explanation. The main obstacle is the …